Episode 01: Why You Can Slow Down in your Thirties


Ft. Alana Milich

Iā€™m so excited for this episode because I have one of my cousins on as a guest! My cousin Alana is just a year older than me and we have similar life experiences. We grew up together with family vacations, family visits, and so much more that Alana is like an older sister to me. 

In this episode, Alana shares how important mental health is and how working on herself changed her perspective in life at 30. Your 20s are meant for you to make mistakes, learn, and get messy here and there. When you're in your 30s you learn to take care of yourself in more ways than one. 

Alana is 31 and lives in Queens with her partner and their cat, Domino. She works in tech and likes naps, iced coffee, and listening to podcasts.

www.betterhelp.com (not sponsored) 

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Episode 02: Becoming a Las Vegas Celebrity