Reminiscing on our Childhoods (90's babies) Ft. Brian Benitez, Ashley and James Nickerson


Ah, the 90s. What most of us remember as our childhood. We have a lot of fun, fanatical memories of the 90s and what it meant to us growing up. But do we really want to go back to the 90s or keep moving forward in life?

Today is the very first round table episode of Thirty Flirty and Nerdy where I have my friends Ashley and James Nickerson, and my boyfriend, Brian Benetiz on the podcast to chat about our childhoods, what we remember, and how technology changed the world as we knew it.

We Chat About: 

  • How old were they were in 90s

  • What was their favorite thing they did as a kid

  • Did they have any fun toys, tv series or unique pop culture that you think about still to this day? (i.e. Saturday cartoons)

  • Did they feel that your childhood then is different than the kid’s we see now? 

  • We were in the age of no tech (i.e. cell phones, computers, internet) to dial up and what we are now. How did they feel about the changes within society?

  • The impact of 9/11 and big events in our childhood. What do they remember? How do they feel the news changed from then to now? 

Want to be on the show? Let's chat! 

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