Changing Your Mindset for Success Ft. Leticia Escamilla


Your mindset plays an important role as to how you live your life. 30 is still so young! What's that saying? 30 is the new 20s but with money and fun?!

In this episode, Leticia and I are chatting all things mindset: starting a new career venture when you feel 'too old', how aging can be super fun and something to look forward to, and how to break limiting beliefs.

Leticia is a certified meditation teacher who created the MindFuel Workshops and The Me Time Journal to share how to create a sustainable daily holistic ritual and exercise mental fitness. Mrs Escamilla has hosted numerous workshops and has guided countless people to build daily self-care practices, learn how to meditate, create morning rituals, set up their days for success, and face challenges and obstacles with more ease.


The Me Time Journal has sold over 100 copies since its release last year. Mrs. Escamilla created The Me Time Journal based on her journal practice. After realizing how important it was to write down ideas, emotions, confusions, realizations, celebrations, and daily gratitudes and intentions; she knew this practice could not just stay with her. The journaling tool has now helped others create rituals and practices that give space to create a bond and communication with themselves.


Her mission is to guide others ready to live their best authentic life by sharing the tools, guides, and strategies that have led her to discover her authentic, unique, and silly real self, which is just letting the inner child play every day! And that's precisely what she guides others to discover and experience daily!


Check out what's new around Las Vegas:
Wellness Weekend Market -
October 16, 2022!

Follow Leticia!
Instagram: @selflovewithLeticia  and @MindFuelCommunity


Being Authentically You ft. Kelly Bennett


Episode 06: Stories of Being 30 in the 80's Ft. Richard Carson