A New Era


Hi friends!!

Welcome welcome welcome to a new era of Thirty, Flirty, and Nerdy! 

I'm so sorry for going ghost on you all towards the end of 2023. I've been going through a ton of life things. I've been also mulling around the idea of new content flow. New episode ideas. New solo episodes. NEW EVERYTHING. The name and idea is still the same. Being in your thirties will still be a topic being talked about, but not as heavy. 

A lot of the new content I hope to bring is fun life things. How to's of living life. Conversations with friends about topics that are important to me or what I'm going through. Some friends may not even be in their Thirties, buuuuut the conversations and topics are just too good to not share. 

I love all of you and appreciate you all so so so much! Thank you for giving me the drive to continue forward. To start uploading again. 

Thank you to Jake for providing me new audio equipment to make my podcast sound amazing.
Thank you to my friends for showing demand for new episodes.
Thank you to my boyfriend for supporting in me and my passion for podcasting.
Thank you to my Patreon Beni who is also a great friend and supports the podcast to keep it up and running! 

To support the show you can check out my Patreon here: 

Want to be a guest? Send me an email: juliana.v.pedri.va@gmail.com 

New Mic: Podcast Mic


Valentine's Day: Why Make It A Competition?


Life with Epilepsy Ft. Linds Russell