Valentine's Day: Why Make It A Competition?


Hello everyone! On this episode, we talk about Valentine's Day! Valentine’s Day has been around for centuries and in modern day, we take Valentines to the extreme. From corporations exploiting Valentines for their own gain, and couples one upping each other for social media views, likes, and comments. All in all, for this Valentine’s Day, show the person you love them the way YOU show love. Don’t just do it for social media. 

We chat about:

  • How social media ruins Valentine’s Day

  • Corporations celebrating holidays early and not just being in the present moment

  • Competing against others by showing off lavish gifts

  • The Five Love Languages

  • Doing things for your partner because of true love

Thank you Brian for being a guest on this special episode with me! 


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Juliana: Hello, everyone! Welcome back to 30 Flirty and Nerdy. My name is Juliana, and today I am so excited because I have my lovely boyfriend, Brian, here with me. Brian has been on the podcast before with other friends of ours, James and Ashley. We talked about the 90s day, um, Episode where Reminiscing in the 90s and so he if you want to take a listen to that podcast to get to know Brian a little bit Before this episode take a listen there and to come back or we could just jump right on into it I'm so excited because this is our first episode where we're just hanging out talking and He's more of a single guest this time. So welcome, babe. Welcome to the podcast

Brian: Hello. Glad to be back. 

Juliana: I'm glad that you're back too. And I'm really excited about this conversation today because we are talking all about Valentine's Day and we're gonna be talking about why valentine's is a little bit cringey in today's society in our opinion and what we're doing differently and also like just our general thoughts on it as a whole we all know what valentine's day is we all know how people celebrate it and we're just going to talk about our own thoughts with it and what we think and All that good stuff because, for those that don't know Brian, he is very true to how he feels and he does not follow social norms and so the fact that he feels so different about Valentine's Day is why podcast because we're a couple, we love each other, we show each other that we love each other.

But the whole thing is. We don't need a single day to show each other how we feel about one another and Brian has very good viewpoints on this and so That's why I wanted him to come on because it's a little bit different than what most people would think about Valentine's Day And I like having that outsider Conversation and a look into doing life a little differently.

So yeah, that's kind of a long winded Introduction into what this episode is, but I've just been excited about recording it and it's here and I'm excited. So yeah. 

Why Is Valentine’s Day So Popular? 

All righty. So why is Valentine's Day so popular? We've seen it everywhere. Hallmark is a great example of over saturating Valentine's Day over saturating the idea of love. We see it in many movies, TV shows. Hollywood portrays love very differently than what it is normally, in my opinion, at least. And these fantasy novels and books, and, and they give a lot of high hopes when it comes to love, and some things are just not in that fantasy aspect. And so, I think Valentine's Day is so popular because It's a day where people show that kind of fantasy love and it makes people go like, oh, like it does happen in real life, but They only show it once.

Brian: Well those things may occur in real life. That's not everyone's Love story. There's been times. I've heard like oh, yeah, we've met, we hated each other. We hung out at a party and now we are five years later married with a kid like it's just how life is. It's the reality of it. I'm not a big fan of how Valentine's made it made it seem like You can have the perfect Valentine's Day by her this so or by him this or by them this

Juliana: the perfect gift for your partner

Brian: The thing that bothers me with Valentine's is How Hollywood and these ads made it seem like, hey, buy your partner the perfect gift.Introducing, or buy them this at a low cost of like $900. Crazy things like this. Or like, Hey, we're having a special at this one fancy restaurant on Valentine's Day. Bring your significant other here. Like very, very commercialized. Yeah, they're very commercialized. Like they make it seem like. You get it out of the, like, you have to go all big on Valentine's and that starts bleeding into social media. And when people see these things, they're like, Oh, why can't my significant other do that? That's where for me, the concept of Valentine's starts to get ruined. And some people it's like, Oh, that's not me. There have been several, many times, and it's not just Valentine's where. , people would talk about like, did you see this person they got on this because they love that.

I wish mine could do that. To me, when they don't even realize like, that's, that couple do their own things, you're significant, or they're maybe doing things that you're not appreciating what they do, and some people are like, well, I'll just wait on Valentine's, or like, he'll get me something, and that's become very, very annoying to me, and For me all of that just ruins valentine for me like I don't want to do this I don't want to become like everyone else be like here's the one day like hey, baby here's like 500 sunflowers Here's a new tesla we're gonna eat at a three star michelin star where you can where you have to wait two years for a reservation like No, like well those little things are like Yeah, i'm not saying don't do them.

But why wait that day? 

Juliana: You don't have to wait to show your love show it now

Brian: Exactly and then with things like that when people post them, you see other couples whether they're single or they're going through their own thing. Whatever the case may be like I t truly upsets them like it does affect the mental health state.I'm gonna give you a good example of this. I'm not gonna mention any names. So if you happen to listen to this, I'm sorry. I'm just calling it a house how it is So I think it was 2016 A friend of mine, he got a promotion, well deserved, girlfriend, before they got married, didn't have a car, there's some things happened along the way, uh, he went out of his way with his promotion, got her a nice used car, I think it was, um, I can't recall for the life of me, I think it was a jeep.I can't recall. So sorry. I forgot if you're listening. And he did this like a week before valentine's like I wanted to surprise her. She's like her previous car So on and so forth. So I got a new car. She was so happy. She was so excited. She wasn't expecting that It was a nice gesture and He did that out of true love, he didn't have to wait, he didn't do the usual like, oh, for Valentine's, like, he just said, like, I wanted to really, like, I got this promotion, I wanted her to know, like, she means a lot to me, and that I'll be there for her. That was a nice, beautiful gesture. Fast forward a week later, there's this other couple.

I heard conversations, kinda leading up to it, where like, I wish he did this, like, oh, he better get me something like that or better. He got her Tesla and I'm over here like oh my god, dude, like Yeah, like competing like what are you doing fast forward three years later he's complaining that he can't make the payments Like it's becoming hard like it was a mistake like things like that.

It's just one example of other things that kind of lead this like Trail of like you're kind of ruining Valentine's Day. Like People see one post and then they try to go up and be like, well, I'm gonna go bigger. I'll take them this I'm like, oh they got him a dozen Roses, I'll give him two dozens. Like why why are you? Competing with other couples or competing with other people who are trying to express their love now. I'm not saying that's a bad thing If you want to go all out that's between you and your significant other but when it starts becoming competitive It's, it's ugly. And from, and another good example is working in the restaurant industry.

It was, it got progressively worse and worse throughout the years like I would hear people's like, Oh, I made a reservation like I need to be here and then like, what do you mean I have to reserve three weeks ahead of like it starts becoming competitive and It's not just affecting a person individually, but you're affecting other people as well. Some people may be having their own thing, maybe they're trying to do their own Valentine's thing, and it just becomes like a competitive level. It's like, they're doing this, oh they're doing this, oh check out this couple, they're coming and doing this, I wish my other would be Like, it's just Disastrous in my opinion

The Five Love Languages

Juliana: Social media definitely blew up Valentine's Day and with the Hallmark Industry and the movies and the competition everything like that. It just makes it so sad to see and like the competition between your friends is really sad because it's like It kind of feels like people should Do what makes them react or feel the best, like, when you were talking about that, one of the things that came to my mind was the five love languages. Um, have you heard of the five love languages?

I'm gonna go ahead and say no. Okay, so the five love languages are the types of ways that you show your partner love and how you receive love. And so, they are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Depending on how you receive love best is how your partner should show you the love that you need and vice versa.So, for example, one of my ways of, like, of love language is I need words of affirmation, quality time, and physical touch. That's kind of, like, what I feel in order to feel that I'm being loved romantically by my partner. You could feel something completely different. Like, for me, what I see is that you show love through acts of service.

You show people that you love them through the things that you do. Like, like, you would Cooks like your favorite meal for someone and like the way that you make a meal for people you love Shows that you love them. You do little things here and there that show people that you care about them. That's kind of like an example of what I see in you.

I could be wrong You could have a different way of how you express love and how you feel that you express love but I think what a lot of people are missing when it comes to Valentine's Day and expressing love is Understanding what their partner needs and not based on that competition aspect not based on what everyone else is doing when it comes to Valentine's Day and Really focus in on your partner and what your partner needs and what you need in order to show them that love Does that make sense?

Brian: It doesn't and that's a problem nowadays like they wanna they want to most I don't want to say most but there's a good amount of couples out there that just want to show off on what their significant others doing and not in a I want to want to say not in a positive way. It's kind of more of a look what they're doing I hope you guys love us for this like I've seen posts saying like Happy Valentine's Day my significant other they go through like a paragraph of there and Here's a good example of this 2021, somebody did that, uh, where they posted a, like a, like when you are looking at it and you're reading it, you're like, oh, that's a very heartfelt message. One of my friends went up to them, was like, oh, that's such a lovely post that your husband made. And she was like, what are you talking about? She, and she was like, she went on, uh, Facebook and was like, why couldn't he tell me this in person? Why post it on Facebook? intention. Yeah, like, are you wanting that attention for yourself or do you truly mean that to your significant other? Like, she was, and I felt bad for her, she was truly upset that she had to see a Facebook post and not actually hear it from her own husband. And that was pretty sad, it really was sad. And it makes me question some of these posts, like, some of them are truly heartfelt, but then some of them seem like Are [00:13:00] you I hope you told yourself a significant other this because these are very very beautiful words And I hope you didn't do it for the attention of getting those likes and hearts And those care reactions off of facebook instagram the

Juliana: dopamine hit of socialmedia.

Brian: Yeah, and that's the thing That I hate the most um Again, I'm not going to mention any names, but there's this, um, two people I know they're, they're, they're married. The thing that gets annoying is every, every so often they're like, we're eating at this fancy restaurant. We're eating at this fancy restaurant. And I've seen them talk to their friends like, Oh my God, they took you there. That was amazing. As soon as that conversation's over, they start talking behind their backs. Everyone's guilty of this. We're like, can you believe them? They took him to so and so? Like I can't believe they're showing off like that or things like oh, I can't believe my other do it. That's where the ugliness starts to come in and that's where that competitiveness starts to come in. I mean How many times have I done things for you and  I haven't said anything on social media or anything to our friends because I don't, I, I truly don't care.

Juliana: I might show you off a little bit, but like, that's just cause I haven't really had that before and it's really sweet. But, but yeah, other times, other things that you do, like I, I don't show off too much about it cause it's really sweet. And Intimate for us and it means a lot for me That you do these little things like yeah, and

Brian: There's and there's other people that come up to me like hey They're having a bad day. Like I need some help Or they're like hey, I need suggestions because this special day whether it's a birthday anniversary random occasion, whatever the case may be they're like What should I do? And then I see them do it and I don't hear an ounce of it on On social media or anything like that of the source it may come up and talk and I would be like, hey, how's your day? I'm like, oh last week like I was having a really bad day, but my significant other he saw me He's like, hey, you want to get some wings? Like we don't need to cook at home And that made her day. She's like, oh my god. That's like the best thing I ever want to hear now They never hinted it nothing like that I remember seeing like a simple post like wings tonight, but it was nothing like That was the source and I feel like that's where The meaning of Valentine kind of lost it's way Cause I remember as a kid For us 90's kids I know you're going to recall this Those um The valentine cards those, uh rectangular shaped cards with like Different fandoms whether it was like looney tunes or yeah. Yeah like that. I remember like being in elementary school I think that was like the best way to tell your crush. You're like, oh, i'm gonna write all those little things, but this one has like Instead of two hearts has four hearts. So I hope they know that and I feel like things like candy grams Yeah, candy grams and I feel like those

Juliana: Yeah, candy grams and I feel like those things is like Four For You Glenn Coco. You go Glenn CoCo. None for Gretchen Weiners. Bye.

Brian: I feel like that lost its meaning because I remember like everyone having so much fun with that. Yeah, um, even I've seen some adults or they were like, oh I'm getting this off They like their little giggles like oh my god Things like that and I don't see that as much anymore. It's Back to that competitive level where like they got me this they took me this they bought me this.

Has it gotten more competitive as we’ve gotten older? 

Juliana: So do you think as we got an older it's gotten more competitive than when it was young like puppy love

Brian: I don't want to say it's an older thing. I want to say it's more of a social media thing and and I hate to say that social media is like the root of like evil what some people may say But at the same time that's the harsh reality of it it's it's more competitive like take the time like if you go through your facebook feed I'm not trying to call out anyone but just go through your post and you'll start to notice Some people do it out of competitiveness and some people Yeah, and then some people just do it for the reactions. Like I know what I say. We'll get them the likes I get but If you're doing that Where's the dynamic like I don't know if that makes any sense. Like if you're doing that I hope Your significant other Knows how much you love them and you're just not speaking out of your butt and doing it for the likes and attention of social media Hey, even without social media You still hear those talks. The most horrific thing I saw was, I remember back in, I want to say it was 2022. I attended this dinner I got invited to. And they were talking about it like it's been, it was my first time meeting them. Uh, they were talking about how they've been happily married and she showed off her ring, it was a beautiful ring, simple, elegant. Their friend, one of their friends, um, mentioned, like, Yeah, my other saw that and so he decided to get it bigger and it made my day. And then you saw the original couple, like, they seemed annoyed, like, Why are you telling us this? Was this to rub it in our face? Or are you trying to make us feel bad about how we show love? Like, it's truly ugly and disgusting how it is out there . You may not realize the damage you're doing to someone, especially with heartbreaks. And that's another thing. Stop breaking up with your significant other on Valentine's. You're just pure evil. And the fact that that still goes on is disgusting. Yeah. but people don't realize that your actions are affecting someone else because let's just pull an example. Someone looks like a really cute item. Like let's just say you for example uh The niffler I I made a painting for her Uh almost a year ago. of niffler if you guys don't know what it is. It's a magical creature from harry potter Uh, but let's just say for valentine's day. I saw this cute little figure And I wanted to get that for you, but then someone comes to me and says, oh look at them I got a life size replica of this and this and this one of you. Yeah, like why? Yeah, what's the point? 

Juliana:  Like I think most of it is a thought that counts and the Intention behind it because if it's on Valentine's like we were saying if it's a random day and the intention is there and the showing of the love is there It doesn't need to be specifically on valentine's day like you brought up a you brought up a point where this one guy how he took the girl off her wings because she was having a bad day and it just made her day and she like Loved it. It reminds me of what you did for me when I was having a bad day You took me to like get in and out and you got some of my favorite cake you know cake slice and you just did all the things that made me feel really good and seen and like you made it seem like you really listened to me and wanted to, like, be there for me in a different way. And you're like, you know, it's around close to Valentine's Day, but you did it out of the love that you have, for me. And it meant a lot because It definitely made my day a whole lot brighter and It was just a normal regular Tuesday and how you showed up for me in that way Meant a whole lot.

Brian: Yeah, and that's what's missing in valentine's day is the actual true meaning behind it Yes, if you want to go out big again not a problem as long as the true love is there but Nowadays it's just it's so competitive the meaning that, I feel like Valentines got tarnished by corporations, like you have to do this, you have to do that, you have to buy them this in order to make them feel loved, and that leads over to society And they're like, oh he did this for me. This is the way it has to be like It honestly brings people down. And and I find it disturbing Sad like if you're doing that out of true love not a problem, but I feel like nowadays it's just more competitiveness trying to one up each other trying to get like those likes reactions from social media like I get that some things may be special but I'm gonna give you a personal example on this. So There was a girl I was dating. She mentioned some things she would like And I was really excited to buy her some of the things that she enjoyed some of the fans that weren't Valentine's Day. I gave her a nice surprise when I called out for work. I was like, hey, like I called out for work. I want to take you there and her expression Heard a lot. It was like Yeah, she was like, oh, thank you. It means so much but it was in a way like “Oh You better have done this. Otherwise things would have ended badly”. Like it was that kind of tone

Juliana: Yeah, like she expected it. 

Brian: Yeah, it wasn't a genuine reaction like she was just happy that I did something on Valentine's and that kind of and that kind of hurt like I didn't feel I didn't feel like she really truly appreciated how much I went out of my way to get her the things that she was talking about. Like I felt under appreciated like it was expected and it hurt. It really did like I don't know what you were expecting. We were only dating for like, I want to say seven, eight months, close to a year. Like, I don't know what you were expecting, like, were you expecting a new car? Were you expecting me to take you to a three star Michelin star restaurant? Like, I don't know, like, it felt, I felt heartbroken. Like, when you got out of your way for someone and you, like, Truly loved them and for it to feel like that it hurt a lot. I don't know if you noticed but when I um, When I came here and I gave you the size of chocolate cake, I was And now and to this day i'm really scared of giving you anything. That's not your fault. It's just previous Relationships Have ruined it for me, um, or I would get scared, and I would be like, I really hope you like it, I really hope you like it, and just seeing your raw emotion of happiness, I kind of want to tear up a little bit, because I'm like, oh, thank goodness, like, she doesn't hate it, like, this is making me so happy, I'm glad she likes it, like, it hurts, same thing, I know we're getting a little off subject here, same thing with Christmas, it's one of those things, like, Oh, I expected you to give me this.

It wasn't like a surprise. It wasn't like a true meaningful moment and I think that's what got lost with Valentine's like that raw emotion of Actually going out of your way and getting something whether it's a simple rose and a quick meal somewhere or getting engaged or Hey, they got you'll be in there. Whatever the case may be. I feel like the raw emotion Isn't there anymore and you're just doing it for show nowadays Like, my, my significant other is so amazing because they bought me this, we did this, we traveled and did this, like it sounds like a one up or a competition, like who, who are you competing against? I don't, I don't like doing that. 

Like I remember to our friends that are listening, no offense, but I remember Jules mentioning something in, in a group chat we had. And she told me, I was like, no one really reacted to that. I flat out told her, I don't care. All I care about is how you react. I don't care what our friends think. I just care about you. And that is,that raw emotional feeling is what's missing nowadays. If, if that makes any sense. Like, uh, I'm not saying, while I think Valentine's Day is a bunch of horse crap, the true meaning of it has got lost. Like, Go out there if you want to buy flowers for them do it if you want to take them out somewhere nice to do it But do it with that real emotion And not just because like oh I have to one up them or I have to post this on social media Oh, I have to do something because it's valentine's day Don't do that that I I feel like that's the worst And it's become a norm, like, Oh, you have to do this because it's Valentine's Day. Like, why? Why do I have to wait for that day? To me, that's pointless.

Juliana: Yeah. Thank you for sharing about that with your, um, giving gifts and how it made you feel with that one relationship. How it made you feel that it wasn't important and that it didn't mean anything. Because, They definitely didn't see the thoughtfulness that you put behind it, and that's what makes it really sad.Because it's like, you put a lot of thought, you put a lot of effort, you got the things that they liked, and they didn't seem like they cared too much. and, you know, thank you for sharing that vulnerable part of the experience of Valentine's Day for you. I definitely have felt things similar. When it comes to Valentine's Day and, like, giving gifts or not receiving gifts or things like that, like, um, I was very, very hopeless romantic in a way. I've always wanted things to be a certain way for Valentine's Day. I always expected things to come from, like, partners and would always be so disappointed when nothing that I thought would happen. And I would tell them exactly what I was thinking or expecting and then nothing came to fruition. And it just made me feel like they didn't care at all.

As the years went on, I kind of lost that hopeless romantic part of myself. when it comes to being, like, Valentine's Day all cutesy and like the, the stuff that you see on social media and the stuff that you see on, in the movies and things and I became more real and down to earth and it's like, if it's a little thing or a thoughtful thing that someone has done for that day, it does mean Something but It shouldn't be the end all be all like it should be shown throughout the time we're together.

Brian: For me, just don't force it. Don't follow The whole like you have to do it because it's Valentine's Day Or do it because you saw somebody else do it try to one up them like Love is love When you're in love, you just know how to express it. But then, corporations, unfortunately, have ruined that. That's why we go against the norm. Like, what was it, towards, we're not even at Christmas. And how many times have we gone to the store and you already see stores getting ready for valentine's like, oh, we gotta prepare for valentine's because that's the next big thing after christmas and we're not even Done christmas yet. Yeah, like I know I know you've seen it, too It's just so It's so corporate and and for me it's ruined and that's why I I like if you want to do something on valentine's that's great but I feel like it's been ruined like yeah, like you have to do it because Because it's still normal. It's Valentine's Day.

Valentines Day Trends 

Juliana: I honestly hate that. I have a question for you. Lately there's been this trend on social media that says Did you asked your girlfriend to be your Valentine's day yet? If not, I will. Like, like a girl, like it would be like a girl saying that or something. , if you haven't asked your girlfriend to be your valentine's, then I'll do it for you kind of thing. Like, what do you think about that? And do you think that it plays along the same idea of why do I have to ask her to be my valentine's because she's already, like, My love. What do you think of that? I

Brian: I think it just depends on the person. Like we have a friend that would say it jokingly and we all say accept it as a joke. Uh, but some people may find that bad. I don't know. Like, it, it, it could go both ways. And I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing, it just depends on how you know the person, so on and so forth. I know I asked you to be my Valentine. I said it simply. I don't know.

Juliana: You did? Yeah. I don't remember. When? 

Brian: A week before we talked about this episode. We're getting off subject. Um.

Juliana: I have such a bad memory, I'm trying to remember. I forgot what I was saying. Was it at the bar?

Brian: I don't know. No, it was here. It was here. Oh, yeah, the cutesy stuff. 

Juliana: I'm trying to remember. I'm kind of like wait what yeah Like if I'm so bad at memory, I'm so sorry, but yes

Brian: Yeah, yeah, if you want to do that for social media like make it true Don't do it for the attention. just don't do it for attention because some of those do look scripted too. Oh, yeah I don't know if it's true or not. That's What they post what they post but if it's true and meaningful go for it Yeah That's a very hard Answer to to bribe because I feel like there is no right or wrong answer. I think it just depends on what's going on at that very moment. let me put it like this. Don't, don't be mean or be a dick to someone about it. So, if you want to do something for Valentine's, do it. But if you know there's a certain person that's going through something rough, don't jokingly be like, hey, want to be my Valentine? Like, cause you may Don't be a dick. Yeah, just don't be rude or be a dick about it. If you know something's going on, or something's going behind the scenes, don't, don't be, don't be rude about it. Cause I, I, and that, and that goes back to what I mentioned earlier with the whole breaking up with your significant other on Valentines. I've seen it, where they're like, oh yeah, I'm leaving her on Valentines so I can start dating this other person. That was horrible. Uh, cause they went on through. poor person. They were bawling their eyes out for a little bit of time. Um, not to go into the context of it, but she was truly hurt. she was one of those ones that was always there for them through their bad times. And for it to be sidetracked like that, just because You wanted to date another girl that you saw often? 

Overall just don't be rude. If you Ladies, if you want to ask your significant other to be your valentine, ask them. Yeah, just do it. I guarantee you a majority don't will find them a cue or they would be like babe, you don't have to do that You know, you'll always be a valentine's day Well If you if you read it like a script, it sounds kind of rude but when you when you know the context of it like If you were to ask me, I'd be like, you know, you know I'll always be your valentine. It's basically saying yes, but I don't feel hurt or anything about it. Like, I'll probably say something stupid like that at all. But, but, but hey, but hey, those little things, Like, that's where the raw emotion comes from. That's what expressing true love is. And that's just how I feel. Uh, in my opinion, when it comes to those types of things.

Juliana: Hey, baby. What's up? Wouldn't you want to be my valentine? Nah,

Brian: I got someone else.

Juliana: This is what I deal with on a 24 7 basis.

Brian: Yeah, uh, Kelly already asked me.

Juliana: Yes. Kelly, what the fuck? If you're listening to this, Why I Know he's your bro, but come on Gotta ruin it for me, dude Competition man, stop it

Brian: Yeah, he got me a BMW from 2002

Juliana: Anyway So are we doing anything for Valentine's Day?

Brian: Like I'm gonna tell you, which by the way, I have to leave a little bit earlier so I can get your gift

Juliana: What? Okay, I was not expecting anything. Hey, what gif? Don't worry about it. What are you doing? You don't have to do that.

Brian: I mean, I'm gonna see you on Wednesday. I may not be taking you out somewhere nice, but I

Juliana: I mean, I still wanna see you.

Brian:Of course you're gonna see me. Yeah, you know, that's the thing, like Surprise Ruined. Kinda.What? I wasn't expecting to tell you that I got you something. 

Juliana: You got me something. I just have to pick it up tomorrow. I'm really curious now. I'm like, what is it? What is it? I have a hard time when it comes to gifts. I can't. Not hide it. I have to show it right away. I'm like, I got you something here. I can't like wait a week to show you Like I got you something and I want to show you now, but anyway, yeah So, you know, I'm pretty excited that this will be our first legit Valentine's Day together because last year we didn't celebrate Valentine's Day because we're just getting to know each other even though we've been talking about we don't need to celebrate Valentine's Day to show our love for one another, it can be fun in a way. And so, you know, we recognize it, but we're not gonna go all out and one up people or do any of that. We're just gonna be how we always are and how we always share each other's love and I'm excited to spend the day with you as I always do. And be there for one another and love each other as we do. And, yeah, thank you for being on this podcast episode. Ah! He just gave me a kiss on the cheek. Um. I just, I'm really appreciative of you coming on the podcast and being a guest today and hanging out with me while we talk about Valentine's Day and for being the best and awesomest boyfriend. Are you going to say anything?

Brian:  How are you doing? Oh my god. No, you know I love you. I, I mean, I may not be one to say it a lot, just because of previous history, but you know I love you. 

Juliana: I love you too.

Brian:Awww, she said she loves me.


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