Digital Dating in Las Vegas Ft. Shawnae Wilson

Hi friends! This is part one of two with my lovely friend Shawnae Wilson! Shawnae is on the podcast to chat about what dating is like in Las Vegas. (Shawnae is now taken but was not during this recording.)

She and I discuss the challenges and peculiarities of dating apps, share personal dating stories, and emphasize the importance of dating with intention. 

**Disclaimer: we are not professionals. We are speaking solely on our experiences**

More about Shawnae:

Shawnae Wilson is 32 years old, and consider herself a Vegas native because it’s the place she’s lived the longest. She comes from a military family that moved constantly while she was growing-up. She consider herself a lover of life and all things beautiful. These days when she not working, she is found cosplaying and writing short stories. She enjoys being outdoors, traveling, art, singing, and random adventures.

We chat about: 

- Shawnae's life journey 

- The Weird World of Dating Apps

- Dating with Intention

- Navigating the Dating World in the Digital Realm

- Setting boundaries Early 

-Manifestation and High-Value People

Follow Shawnae on socials:
: kittykatnae
Insta: thecatsmeow_702

Resources from today’s episode:

ToolBox for Healing App:
My Nara App


Dating Horror Stories Ft. Shawnae Wilson


Navigating Friendship Breakups Ft. Sydney and Kristen