Navigating Friendship Breakups Ft. Sydney and Kristen

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Since last year, a few life long friends walked out of my life for reasons, I'm still confused about today. Having friends of any length of time, walk out is hard. Sometimes, friendship breakups are more heartbreaking than romantic relationships. I feel that this topic is important to discuss because during this phase of life, I notice that many people lose friends as we get older. Sometimes it's a mystery, a one-sided friendship, growing apart, or sadly, death. 

I discuss the emotional journey of healing after losing these kind of friendships. Joined by my girlfriend's, Kristen and Sydney, we share personal stories about friendship breakups, the grieving process, and the importance of finding new, supportive friends. We also delve into coping mechanisms, the impact of long-term friendships, and the lessons learned from these experiences. Through our discussions, we aim to provide comfort and insight for those who have faced similar losses.

- Healing After Losing Friendships
- The Importance of Core Friendships
- Dealing with Ghosting and Attachment Styles
- Taking Accountability and Self-Reflection
- Social Media and Friendships Today
- Lessons Learned from Losing Friendships

If you feel ready to get out there and make new friends. Take a listen to this episode I did with James. He shares how he makes friends in his Thirties. 

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Thank you for your suppport friends! 

Upcoming News!
Thirty Flirty and Nerdy is now NOMINATED for an award for Women In Podcasting! Voting starts August 1st and runs through October. I will provide more information in the next month! 


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