Is Non-Diet Dieting for You? Ft. Katie Hake


As we grow, we learn what foods work with our bodies and which ones don't. Dieting can play a huge role in someone's life. A lot of times diets can be harmful to one's body because they want to look a certain way. 

Katie Hake is on the podcast to change the narrative of dieting and introduce Non-Diets and how it can help someone's mindset over food. 

Katie Hake, RDN, is a registered dietitian and fitness professional with a passion for helping women to stop dieting and start living. She works with women to eliminate the rigid, all-or-nothing mindset and replace it with one that celebrates life’s small wins to let them grow. Through both nutrition and fitness coaching, she empowers women to become the expert of their own bodies. Katie also spent time as a metabolic dietitian at a local children’s hospital for kids who have inborn errors of metabolism. In addition to holding a bachelor’s degree in dietetics and nutrition, fitness and health, Katie is also a certified intuitive eating counselor!

We also Chat about: 
- What a non-diet means to you
- Intuitive eating and what that looks like
- Eating out vs eating in and how to be money cautious for a single person.
- Developing a structure or a eating plan to fit your lifestyle.

Follow Katie:
Katie's Personal Instagram
Fit Friends Happy Hour Podcast Instagram 

Katie's Website 

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This is a Juliana Pedri LLC Production :)


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