How to Make Friends in your Thirties Ft. James Nickerson


As adults we find ourselves dedicated to work that we sometimes forget how important it is to have friends in our lives. Making friends is not as easy as it once was back in the day. There is a bit of a challenge now. 

I have James Nickerson on the podcast today to chat all about how to make friends in your thirties. James is one of the most extroverted people I know! Because of him, I find myself with more friends than I had a year or so ago. 

He is here to give you all the tips to make friends because life without friends can be boring.

We Chat About: 

  • What is your definition of friendship?

  • How do you make friends at a local place without help?

  • Personality tests and how it relates to friendships

  • Friend groups- Clickiness, floaters, etc.

  • How to avoid "top dog" scenario in friend groups. 


What's happening around vegas?
Check out Wild Mule's show at Double Down Las Vegas! 
Wed, April 12th. 9pm

Let's be friends! 


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